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Selection Procedure

Selection Procedure

Process of Selection & Departure Formalities:
After getting the aforementioned documents in hand, we start screening the workers, on the basis of nature of company and ability of the workers in respective field. In this process, we take the following factors into account:

•    Whether the candidate is suitable for the particular nature of Job.
•    Whether he/she can accept the terms and conditions offered by the employers:
•    Whether the Candidate seems physical-mentally sound enough to perform the offered job.

On receipt of recruitment permission from the Department of Labor, we make an advertisement in national Newspapers mentioning the details of the job. So as to be assured on the fact that the candidates are in good health, we require them to physical check up from authentic clinics.

We conduct theoretical questioning and trade testing to measure the ability of the candidates through the respective experts.

After completing these processes, we then, enter into the final approval and orientation stages. As we do have our own company to impart orientation to the candidates, the candidates who have their visas, are suppose to take part in orientation program. In course of conducting the orientation, our major areas of concerns have been the following:

•    The Details of term of reference.
•    His/her occupational duties and professional ethics while being at the job.
•    The nature of Job, offered salary and other benefits.
•    The socio-economic and climatic conditions  of the employer country.
•    Basic overview of international traveling system including the process of getting oarding pass, filling the embarkation
     card, baggage claiming and so forth.